Adaptors & Reducers
Reducers, adaptors, nipples, stopping plugs are available, triple certified Ex(d), Ex(e) and Ex tD in many combinations.

Cable Glands
We can provide Hazardous Area cable glands for all armoured and non-armoured cable. Certified Exd, Exe, ExtD, for use in Zone 1 and Zone 21 applications.

Conduit Seals
We provide conduit seal fittings and compound filling kits for conduit sizes ranging from 20mm to 63mm as well as BSP and NPT.

Control Panels
Hazardous area control panels, gas group IIB and IIB+Hydrogen Flameproof Exd enclosures are available in cast marine grade aluminium and can be supplied in cast iron or cast steel as special manufacture.

Control Stations
Control stations can be supplied in Exd cast aluminium, Exde stainless steel and Exde polyester with various combination of pushbuttons, switches and pilot lights.

Dust Ignition Proof Electrical Equipment
Commonly referred to as "DIP", under the new IEC/AS/NZS60079 Certification this is now referred to as "Ex tD".

Flexible Conduit
We can supply Zone 1 flexible conduit and connectors in 20mm and 25mm outside diameter sizes.

Junction & Terminal Boxes
Flameproof Exd terminal boxes and junction boxes are available in cast marine grade aluminium.

We can supply Exd, Exe, Exn and ExtD lighting for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22. Many variations are available in Fluorescent and LED.

Pressurized Equipment
Exp Purged/Pressurized is an alternative when a panel or device is too large or complicated to house in an Exd enclosure.

We supply beacons, bells, strobes, emergency fluorescent and exit lighting for Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21 and Zone 22 areas.

Socket Outlets & Plugs
Wall mounted socket outlets and plugtops are available in Ex(d) for Zone 1 and Zone 2 Areas

Hazardous area switchboards enclosures are available in cast marine grade aluminium and can be supplied in cast iron or cast steel as special manufacture.

Latest News
IEC 60079 and other IECEx Standards
Monday, February 10, 2020
The IECEx System is based on the use of International Standards, such as IEC Standards. Read more